13.07.2014. Grey Cardinal Granata - Best of Breed at the dog show "Ogre summer"
Nice weekend - at the National dog show "Ogre summer" Grey Cardinal Granata became Best of Breed again.
12.07.2014. Grey Cardinal Granata - Best of Breed at the dog show "Ogre winner"
Grey Cardinal Granata became Best of Breed and won the title "Ogre Winner 2014" and Granata's girlfriend Shiba F-Hannya Ai Do got the same succes in the show - Best of Breed and "Ogre Winner 2014"!
08.06.2014. Grey Cardinal Granata - best of breed at the International show
Grey Cardinal Granata received CACIB certificate and wins Best of Breed title at the International dog show "Riga's cup"
31.05.2014. Grey Cardinal Grand - Tallinn Winner'14
Grey Cardinal Grand in the International dog show in Tallinn, Estonia received CQ, CAC, CACIB certificates, became Best male and received Estonian Winner 2014 title. Congratulations for Grand's owner Uudo Varik!!!
17.05.2014. Estonian Sredneaziatskaia and Kavkazskaia ovtcharka Club dog show
Grey Cardinal Granata and Grey Cardinal Grand participated in Estonian Sredneaziatskaia and Kavkazskaia ovtcharka Club dog show.